
Prices revealed for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge custom lightsabers and droid

Parents take a deep breath. Disney has announced how much it will cost to make those special customizable handbuilt lightsabers and droids inside the new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

The lightsabers will cost $199.99 plus tax. The astromech droid unit will cost $99.99 plus tax. Oh, and no Annual Passholder or any other discounts will be available for the purchase. And, no returns, which makes sense since these are custom made by you.

So, what do you get for shelling out these Galactic Credits? First, it is considered an experience. You don’t just go in, point at something and purchase it. There is time involved and interactions. And you do make them your own.

That being said, here are the specifics.

Savi’s Workshop – Handbuilt Lightsabers

Here you work with one of Savi’s Gatherers and decide on one of the four available hilt themes:

  • Peace and Justice
  • Power and Control
  • Elemental Nature
  • Protection and Defense

Then you assemble the hilt, which includes

  • 1 hilt
  • 4 sleeves (pick 2)
  • 2 emitters (pick 1)
  • 2 pommel caps (pick 1)
  • 2 sets of activation plates and switches (pick 1 set)

Upon hilt completion, the unused parts will be collected by the Gatherers and returned to Savi’s inventory. These are not included with your lightsaber package. What does come with the package is a carry case for the lightsaber.

You should also be aware that this could be subject to availability and reservations could be required if demand is high.

Droid Depot

At this workshop, you construct your own droid. You first register your choice of a BB-series or R-series unit. You then get blueprints and move on to the following stations to build your own droid.

Parts Station
Select from a colorful variety of components to customize your droid as they roll by on the shop’s conveyor belt:


  • Dome
  • Dome Connection Plate
  • Body Sphere
  • Motivator


  • Dome
  • Body
  • Center Leg
  • Set of Side-Legs

Build Station
Here you’ll follow simple “placemat” instructions or graphic monitor displays to assemble your droid in the proper sequence. Once complete, your droid will be paired with a remote control and activated as you watch it come to life.

With the droid, you also get a carry box with instructions. Other personality-affiliation chips and other accessories are available for an additional charge.

You should also be aware that this could be subject to availability and reservations could be required if demand is high.

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