
Are Disney princesses good role models?

I have to admit I rolled my eyes pretty vigorously at news of a new Disney princess website. Aren’t little girls brainwashed enough into wanting to be pretty little princesses waiting for their handsome princes to rescue them? (This, coming from a real Disney fan.)

But tonight I’m rethinking my princess repulsion, thanks to some student members of the Demosthenian Literary Society at the University of Georgia. The students recently argued the merits of the resolution, “Disney Princesses are good role models” and posted their arguments online.

And you know what? I was surprised to find myself pretty pro-princess.

Here’s why: It’s absolutely true that many of Disney’s princesses (especially the early ones) were unfulfilled until they found their princes. And it’s equally true these gals are a merchandising engine, seeming to exist solely to brainwash little girls.

Oh, and Ariel? She just bugs me. What, she has no problem eating fish and crabs until she happens to know one of them personally?

But you know what? To me the positives outweigh the negatives.

Here’s how the students argued in favor of the princesses: “Disney Princesses are graceful and intelligent, spunky and brave. … These girls, these Disney ladies, show their admiring fans that in order to make their dreams come true, they have to persevere. They have to go through struggles and hardships and come out the other side stronger for what they have endured.”

I would add that they are all feminists in their own way, at least as far as their times would allow them to be. Doesn’t feminism mean we get to make our own choices, even if that choice is to give up your fins and your family for a man?

On balance, the good outweighs the bad, even for a 21st century feminist like me.

And if you put the princesses on a timeline, you’d see them becoming stronger and more independent all the time.

Thoroughly modern Merida, who will officially join the princess pantheon in June, is by far the most fearless and forceful Disney princess. The “Brave” heroine asks, “If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?” And who wouldn’t want the courage to try?

So maybe the princesses are winning me over, thanks to the students.

When Disney makes Leia an official princess, then I’ll be totally on board. How about you?

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