
Disney World cast member awarded Purple Heart in EPCOT

 U.S. Army veteran and current Disney cast member, John Arant, senior manager of casting services, was presented with the Purple Heart Medal, America’s oldest military award during a ceremony at Disney World.

Under the rotunda of the American Adventure pavilion at EPCOT on June 26, 2nd Lt. John Arant was recognized for military valor and the injuries he sustained during active service with the U.S. Army in Mosul, Iraq in 2007.

The Purple Heart was established in 1782 by General George Washington, to recognize heroics acts performed by his troops during the Revolutionary War. Today, this medal is awarded in the name of the President of the United States, acknowledging those wounded or killed while serving in the line of duty. John received his Purple Heart from fellow cast member, Jenn O’Rourke, a business transformation manager with Disney Institute who continues to serve in uniform as a Major in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.

Cast member John Arant, was presented with the Purple Heart Medal by fellow cast member and U.S. Air Force Reserve Major, Jenn O’Rourke. (Photo by Disney)
Photo by Disney
Disney cast member, John Arant, senior manager of casting services, speaks to the crowd during the Disney World Purple Heart ceremony. (Photo by Disney)
Photo by Disney
2nd Lt. John Arant during his deployment.

Arant’s ceremony was held before an audience of family and fellow Disney cast members, including numerous military veterans. Wearing his Army service dress uniform, he was surrounded by “Portraits of Courage,” the pavilion’s current exhibit of more than 60 paintings created by former U.S. President George W. Bush to recognize post-9/11 military veterans. 

In 2019, Arant joined The Walt Disney Company as part of Heroes Work Here, a company-wide initiative to hire, train and support military veterans. 

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