10 photos of Magic Kingdom from the air, update on Tron construction
A view of Magic Kingdom from the air doesn’t happen often as airspace is restricted to 3,000 feet above Cinderella Castle. But when you do get to see what it looks like, it can take your breath away, just as it does when you are on the ground, inside the park.
Luckily, photographer @bioreconstruct heads up to the higher heights ocassionally to share the images, and in this latest batch, we get to see the phenomenal construction update of the Tron ride scheduled to come to Disney World in the next year.
If you remember @bioreconstruct gave us a tour from the air of the Magic Kingdom back in March 2020, 10 days after it shut down due to the pandemic, showing us what an empty theme park looked like during the day.
Here, we get some update views of the park, including below where the Walt Disney World Train will be going under a portion of the Tron walkway. The new coaster, being built in Tomorrowland next to Space Mountain, is based on Shanghai Disneyland’s TRON Lightcycle Power Run. Guests will board a train of two-wheeled Lightcycles that will take them inside and outside the attraction’s building, reaching speeds of nearly 60 miles. The ride lasts about two minutes.
Enjoy the tour from the air.