
Baby Doppler makes his debut on the Kilimanjaro Safaris

Two-month-old Doppler, the young eland born on the heels of Hurricane Dorian took his first steps onto the savanna of Kilimanjaro Safaris at Animal Kingdom, Disney reported.

Clover and Doppler spent the morning exploring and playing on the savanna, meeting some of his neighbors, including giraffes.

Doppler has spent most of the time since his birth bonding with his mother Clover. He was nearly 70 pounds at birth and has almost doubled his weight,  Scott Terrell, Director of Animal & Science Operations, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts, wrote on the Disney Parks Blog.

Doppler will continue to nurse for the next couple of months but has developed an appetite for lettuce, carrots and sweet potatoes. When fully grown he will stand 8 feet tall.

Doppler on the savanna of Kilimanjaro Safaris. (Disney photo)
Doppler on the savanna of Kilimanjaro Safaris. (Disney photo)
Dopler meeting his neighbors. (Disney photo)
Dopler meeting his neighbors. (Disney photo)
Doppler with a pair of giraffes. (Disney photo)
Doppler with a pair of giraffes. (Disney photo)
Clover with her son, Doppler. (Disney photo)
Clover with her son, Doppler. (Disney photo)

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