Disneyland guest had measles, may have exposed others
A visitor to Disneyland may have exposed others to measles and Los Angeles County health officials are urging those who visited the park to check their medical records to determine if they were immunized or had measles previously, according to the Associated Press.
A Los Angeles County resident with a confirmed case of the measles visited Disneyland on Oct. 16 from 9:15 a.m to 8:35 p.m.Earlier that morning, the person was at a Starbucks on the west side of Los Angeles.
Health officials say anyone who was at those locations at those times may be at risk of developing measles for up to 21 days.
This isn’t the first time a measles scare took place at Disneyland. In August 2019, a teenager from New Zealand visited returning from
In August 2019, a teenager visiting from New Zealand who was infected visitied Disneyland, as well as Universal Studios, Madame Tussauds and the Santa Monica Pier, according to The Washington Post.