6 Smellephants on Parade at Magic Kingdom arrive, 2 more to go
We await the arrival of two more Smellephants at Storybook Circus at Magic Kingdom for the herd to be complete. So far six of these Smellephants on Parade statues have been installed around the area.
The new experience, sponsored by Scentsy, is inspired by the “Pink Elephants on Parade” sequence of “Dumbo” and is part of a new interactive “search-and-sniff” experience. According to Disney, when entering Storybook Circus, guests will stumble upon a casting call posted by Timothy Q. Mouse, seeking out a “Whiff-sistant” to join Dumbo’s newest act. At the ticket booth in front of Big Top Souvenirs, a cast member will provide guests with an illustrated map of the land and a sticker sheet to guide them in their first task as a Whiff-sistant.
The elephants stand on yellow circus-inspired bases with golden triangle designs. They are surrounded by red posts with flags. Some of the flags read “Smellephants on Parade” and “Presented by Scentsy.” The herd should be complete by May for an opening.
Here’s the lineup so far:

The popcorn looking Smellelephant is located directly to the right of the entrance to the “Dumbo The Flying Elephant.”

Located near the Lightning Lane entrance is the snowcone-inspired Smellephant.

The Smellephant outside the Big Top Souvenirs is leading the procession with a drum. The bottom half is caramel-colored with chocolate swirls, which should be a good smell. This seems to be a carmel dipped apple smell.

The cotton candy Smellephant is on the opposite side of the Big Top Souvenirs.

Near the entrance to Pete’s Silly Sideshow is a corn dog Smellephant.

Opposite the exit of the Fantasyland Train Station is the new churro Smellephant.