
Video: Disney World flag ceremony continues during COVID-19 closure

The Magic Kingdom at Disney World might be closed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, but security guards on daily basis continue to raise the American flag at the entrance in the morning and perform flag retreat every night.

Sharing a video and photo of the flag raising on his Instagram account, Walt Disney World Resort President Josh D’Amaro reminds all that the daily event is “a symbol that we’re still here and will not falter.”

Disney closed the Disney World theme parks on March 16. They and all other Disney theme parks around the world remain closed until further notice at this time.

Here is D’Amaro’s full message that goes with the video below:

“While our world looks very different today, one thing endures…the American flag still flies over Walt Disney World. I’m inspired how our Security Cast Members continue to raise it each and every morning at Magic Kingdom while they are on duty protecting the magic. It’s a symbol that we’re still here and will not falter. I hope this inspires you as well. We will be back. Thanks to all our incredible Cast Members who continue to maintain the magic until that day. Until then, please take care of yourselves and your families. We will see you soon.”

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