
Flat tire causes guest evacuation from monorail at Disney World

Monorail Yellow, which was shuttling passengers from the Transportation and Ticket Center to ECPOT at Disney World, blew a tire causing the monorail to stop and have the guests evacuated by authorities this morning, according to a statement from Walt Disney World.

No one was injured during the incident. This morning, the monorail experienced a flat tire near the EPCOT parking lot toll plaza. No guests or cast members have reported injuries, and all passengers were safely evacuated,” according to the statement from Disney.

Seventy-one passengers were rescued from the monorail that was on the EPCOT beam by the Reedy Creek Fire Department and Orange County Fire Department, according to the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.

Reedy Creel received a call at about 9:15 a.m. about a stuck monorail. It took about two hours to evacuate the passengers from the monorail, according to the district.

Fox35 is reporting a that passenger Kris Lenk that told the news station, “There was a loud bang explosion, and then we kind of saw a big flash of light. After that, the monorail slowed down.”

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