
Disney World reminds guests to behave in new website ‘Courtesy’ area

Disney has added a courtesy reminder to its Walt Disney World website after a number of fights and altercations have been captured and shared on social media.

In recent months there have been altercations and fights shared on social media ranging from family confrontations, vacation meltdowns, line rage, and all out rudeness.

A new section on the Getting Ready for Your Visit to Walt Disney World Resort page has been added next to Theme Park Reservations, Health & Safety and and Mobile App and more.

The area states:

Be the magic you want to see in the world. You must always remember to treat others with respect, kindness and compassion. Those who can’t live up to this simple wish may be asked to leave Walt Disney World Resort.

Walt Disney World website

Already on the site under the Guest Courtesy and Attire Policy on the site in area no one really goes to, Disney has already put out guidelines on common courtesy:

Please show common courtesy to fellow Guests and our Cast Members by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive or offensive behavior, jumping lines or saving places in lines for others. For your safety and the safety of others, please refrain from running except in designated areas.

Walt Disney World website

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