Disney puts activity trackers on rhinos at Animal Kingdom for new study
We humans, love our fitness trackers. We can tell how far we’ve moved, where we’ve been and how much energy we’ve expelled. Now, Disney’s Animals, Science and Environment team is using this device on rhinos.
No, the rhinos will not be like us humans checking to see if their rings are closed and they meet their goals. This program is part of a larger research program with rhino from accredited zoos and wildlife centers across the U.S. “
So, the next time you board the Kilimanjaro Safaris truck and happen to see the rhinos, take a look at their legs and you will see the large black box tracker.
When combined with other data from veterinarians, scientists and animal care specialists, the information from the trackers on physical fitness will help all animal care experts better understand how different habitats play a role in rhino health,” Scott Terrell, DVM, DACVP, Director of Animal & Science Operations, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts wrote on the Disney Parks Blog.

The activity trackers will track the distance they cover running and walking around the Kilimanjaro Safaris savanna at Animal Kingdom. “This enables us to understand which features in the habitat are most popular to them, and we can better determine which factors, like wallows, sun and shade, impact the areas they use,” according to Terrell.
Animal care specialists will also be able to better track their sleeping and napping schedules. When combined with other data from veterinarians, scientists and animal care specialists, this information on physical fitness will help all animal care experts better understand how different habitats play a role in rhino health.