
Disney World updates face mask policy when dining

Face coverings have been a mainstay when visiting Walt Disney World since its reopening in July and Disney has slowly been updating its policy over time. The latest involves when dining at restaurants.

Disney is doubling down on its policy that face coverings can be removed only when eating or drinking at a dining location.

The latest policy update states: Face coverings for each Guest age 2 and up, which must be worn in all public areas and can only be removed while actively eating or drinking. Face coverings must be worn while standing, waiting or sitting in dining locations.

Meaning, if you are in a restaurant you need to wait until you are seated and the drinks and food arrive to remove your face coverings. So, when ordering, masks are on. When done eating and paying the bill, masks are on. If you are waiting for a table, masks are on. If you need to head to the restroom, masks are on. If you plan on chitchatting with a server, masks are on.

This is a common-sense policy for the safety of guests and the cast members that most people have been following, but there are some who removed their face masks immediately upon sitting down as a way to take a break from a mask.

If you want to take a break from mask wearing in the park, there are designated Relaxation Stations, where you can bring food and drink in, but are not required to just sit and remove the mask.

As a reminder, here is Disney’s full face covering policy:

Face Coverings

Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) and Cast Members, including those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Please bring your own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming. You may remove your face covering while actively eating or drinking, but you must be stationary and maintain appropriate physical distancing. 

All face coverings (whether disposable or reusable) must:

  • Be made with at least 2 layers of breathable material
  • Fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Be secured with ties or ear loops and allow the Guest to remain hands-free

At this time, based on guidance from health authorities, neck gaiters, open-chin triangle bandanas and face coverings containing valves, mesh material or holes of any kind are not acceptable face coverings.

Costume masks are also not considered appropriate and are prohibited from being worn, in alignment with our existing rules.

Face coverings may have an integrated transparent plastic panel to aid in viewing the wearer’s mouth. These face coverings must:

  • Be a fabric face covering featuring a solid plastic panel containing no openings that is attached to the fabric on all sides using tight knit stitching
  • Meet all face covering requirements listed above

The use of face coverings is not a substitute for physical distancing.

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