
How to make your own Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse paper dolls

We must give it to Disney. They have done a remarkable job to provide fun at-home activities. And now, they have released Disney Paper Parks 3-D activity sheets where you can create Disney’s most iconic duo – Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.

The two have worn many different costumes through the years. This set includes the pair in their classic park outfits – Mickey in his tails tuxedo and Minnie in her red and polka dot dress.

And, you can even print out their outfits in color, to make it a bit easier for you. But, you can still print them out in black and white and color them yourself, if you wish. You also get a background of Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland to make them feel at home.

The sheets require use of scissors, glue and folding along dotted lines. So, let’s put them together and share those photos.

Disney recommends printing the activity sheets at their actual size, not scaling them to fit the page. And they recommend adult participation or supervision for those with little ones.

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