
Disney demonstrates all changes to Shanghai Disneyland to press

Journalists were given a tour of Shanghai Disneyland on Saturday for Disney to demonstrate the changes it is implementing when it reopens on May 11.

This is the first Disney theme park worldwide to reopen after all have been shuttered due to the coronavirus.

A video, below from New China TV, take us on a tour of the park with Andrew Bolstein, Senior Vice President of Operations at Shanghai Disney Resort.

“During the preparation period for the reopening, what we’ve done is really look at a lot of different measures to deliver a safe and healthy environment within the park,” Bolstein said.

This includes initial temperature screening locations, ground markers for social distancing and a “continuous” wipedown, sanitizing and disinfection of high-touch surfaces.

It all started, he said, with ensuring there is an audience that is able to come in limited numbers “to make sure we can deliver on social distancing. So we are holding back on the number of attendees in the park, and, then in the park we are trying to ensure social distancing through a variety of methods,” he said.

The park has a capacity of 80,000, but the government is only allowing 30%, so that would be a maximum of 24,000.

When it comes to social distancing Shanghai has markers on the ground telling people where not to stand. “So we did various studies with our guests and observations and we found it easier to tell the guests where not to stand. and leave the empty space where they can stand,” Bolstein said.

In other locations, there are yellow boxes on the ground and other markers telling people where to congregate for performances that take place in public areas.

“So in order to maintain social distancing for our characters, we won’t allow any up-close meet and greets. But we want our guests to be able to” still have a chance to see their favorite characters, Bolstein said.

“So we are looking for new creative ways to present our characters. A small procession of floats with a couple of characters on them that will come out throughout the day and surprise our guests,” he said.

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