
Make your own magic: Set some goals to make yourself happier

A lot of serious Disney fans qualify as Extreme Planners — those of us who set calendar reminders for 180 and 60 days before vacation. (If you don’t know what those deadlines are for, you probably don’t fall into this category.)

It’s a hard time to be a planner now, when you can’t really look beyond this week’s meals — let alone know when the coronavirus pandemic will be over, or when we can go back to the Disney Parks.

But a lot of research shows that people who have goals are happier. Goals give you motivation and a sense of control, and they help you focus on the future. These are all things we could use more of these days.

So today, take some time to make a few goals — and write them down in plain view for everyone to keep you motivated every day. In the spirit of “Make your own magic,” try to make them Disney-related.

Since all Disney vacations are slightly out-of-reach right now, the obvious goal is your next trip. Will you make it this winter holidays this year, or spring break next year? What would you most like to do? Will you try to hit all four parks in one day? Go on every ride in your favorite park? Eat all of your favorite Disney snacks?

The best goals are slightly out-of-reach but attainable, so don’t set a goal to stay in the Cinderella Castle Suite on our next Disney World vacation. (Very few people get to do that, and it’s not something you can just book.)

What other goals can you think about? How about taking inspiration from Disney, which prides itself on “positively impacting people, communities, and our planet”?

For many years, Disney has aimed to reduce its impact on the environment. You may not be able to power your house with solar energy just now, but can you set a goal to reduce your footprint on the environment? To use less plastic or less energy or minimize waste? (We’re all driving less right now, so congratulations on that!)

Another inspiring Disney initiative is its VoluntEARS program, in which cast members donate their time and talents to help their community. Disney’s goal is for its cast members to donate 5 million hours of service by the end of this year. It may be hard to volunteer locally right now, but why not consider setting a goal for volunteering once you get back out into the world? You can even start researching now how you would like to contribute to your local community. (Bonus: Research shows volunteering has a powerful impact on overall well-being!)

There’s also charitable giving. Last year, Disney gave $338.2 million in cash and in-kind donations to “nonprofit organizations that bring comfort, inspiration, and opportunity to kids, families, and communities around the world.” Can you set a goal to collect your spare change until you have $50 you can donate to a cause you admire?

We’ll leave you with a quote from Walt Disney about setting goals:

“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.”

Note: This is another in a series on how to make your own magic. Find other ideas here.

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