
Making your own magic: An Olaf video meditation

Part of making your own magic at home is cutting back on the stress you’re bound to be feeling now.

Prolonged stress can lead to a range of physical symptoms, including anxiety and depression, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome and sleeplessness. Certainly weeks of social isolation — and maybe even trying to work from home and homeschool your kids at the same time — is the definition of prolonged stress.

Meditation can short-circuit your body’s fight-or-flight response to stress, returning you to a state of calm.

A lot of people think of meditation as an impossible goal: clearing your mind of all thoughts. But there’s another kind of meditation that is much more accessible: mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation is about bringing your attention to something in the present, whether it’s the sun on your skin as you go for a walk or you sit with your cat in your lap, appreciating the rhythm of her purr.

Today we’d like to bring you a moment of mindful magic to help ease the stress. Spend the next minute with Olaf focusing on things you can control in a situation that feels out of our control.

Note: This is another in a series on how to make your own magic. Find other ideas here.

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