
Make your own magic: How you can sprinkle some pixie dust

Disney is legendary for sprinkling pixie dust on guests — whether it’s a room upgrade, a special interaction with a favorite character, or a surprise sticker or button.

To make your own Disney magic today, be the one to sprinkle some pixie dust on someone else — from a distance, of course.

A few ideas:

  • Tell someone, “Have a magical day!”
  • If you’re in the position to tip someone, make it an extra-big tip if you can. We can’t know what the current situation is doing to the income of people who rely on tips, so if you can share the wealth, please do.
  • Pay for the person behind you in the drive-through. Maybe you can start a pay-it-forward chain.
  • Post an encouraging note on a mirror — even “you look PERFECT” or “you GOT this” will bring a smile to someone’s face. If you’re staying home, do this for your family members.
  • Make a point of complimenting your co-workers and family members today. Everyone is stressed and worried, and a few kind words will go a long way.
  • Make a donation to an animal shelter — pet food is always welcome, as are old towels and blankets.
  • Spread love and kindness online in any way you can. Share a positive meme. Thank someone for a thoughtful comment or inspiring post.
  • Text something nice to three of your friends.

If you have ideas, let us know. And in case no one else tells you today: We think you’re amazing. Stay awesome!

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