Disney Vacation Club releases updates, statement on points cancellation
In addition to the Disney Vacation Club properties closing at Walt Disney World, Disney’s Vero Beach Resort is also closing. However, at this time, Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa, and Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort will remain open.
“Regarding your reservations, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a few important points in order to make the change process as smooth as possible. As we have shared, Disney Vacation Club has lifted the close-in reservation cancellation restrictions and will return any of your points back as vacation points or reservation points without placing them into holding. In the meantime, all points banking rules remain in place. While we understand the banking policy might create some frustration, please realize that this is in place to ensure that the membership as a whole avoids future inventory constraints.
Clearly COVID-19 is impacting us all in numerous ways – and I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. Our team at Disney Vacation Club is focused on serving you, our Member community, as we plan ahead for a return to normal operations,” according to the note from Terri Schultz, Senior Vice President, Disney Vacation Club, Guided Adventures & Expeditions and Golden Oak.