Construction of the new Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel at Disney World is taking shape.
The hotel, scheduled to open in 2021, will offer two-night adventures aboard a “glamorous starship.”
Once onboard, guests will interact with characters and become active participants in stories that unfold around them on their galactic journey. The hotel is built outside of Disney’s Hollywood Studios near Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and the hotel has “transport” areas, where it is assumed guests will be taken from the hotel into Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.
The ship will be called the Halycon. For the curious, halcyon is defined as characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity.
Photographer @bioreconstruct, who is known to document theme park construction from the air, has a new set of images focusing on Star Wars hotel. (make sure you follow him on Twitter.)
erial view of the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel. Concrete forms for the entrance facade seen at bottom. Access road system is underway at right. Cabins are in the far, long, section. Separate service building to right. (Photo by @bioreconstruct)Aerial photo of concrete forms for the entrance facade of the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel. (Photo by @bioreconstruct)Aerial view of the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel. Cabins aboard the spaceship are in the long section at left. Other areas of the ship contained in the larger building at right. Access roadways in progress. (Photo by @bioreconstruct)Aerial view of the building containing areas aboard the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser (hotel). After check in (at right) guests are whisked into the spaceship, and immersed into the Star Wars timeline. It will seem like being in space. Cabins in the spaceship are to left. (Photo by @bioreconstruct)Aerial view of the room or cabin area of the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel. Shorter building at left is a service building. Larger building is other areas aboard the spaceship. After check in you are whisked to the ship and enter the Star Wars timeline.(Photo by @bioreconstruct)Aerial view of the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel.(Photo by @bioreconstruct)