
5-year-old is made honorary flight attendant en route to his Disney World wish vacation

Five-year-old Stephen “S.J.” Awwad was heading off to Disney World as part of the Make-A-Wish program, but there was one request S.J. had for his flight down. He wanted to help hand out snacks to his fellow passengers during the flight to Florida.

Since 2012, Allegiant Airlines has partnered with Make-A-Wish, helping to fulfill the wishes of more than 1,800 children. But, “this is the first time a Wish kid has asked to serve snacks to passengers in flight,” said Hilarie Grey, Allegiant Airline’s managing director of corporate communications.

After finding out from Make-A-Wish that S.J. loves anything to do with flying, Allegiant aimed to make his experience “extra special,” Grey said.

Just before S.J.’s flight departed Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids Monday, bound for Orlando, he was met at the game and named an honorary Allegiant flight attendant.

A crew member presented S.J. with a kid-sized version of the crew uniform, complete with orange tie, yellow shirt and blue sweater vest. He also received his very own customized wings pin with his nickname and the words “flight attendant” etched in the metal.

The video below shows what his trip looked like.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you to the airline for granting his wish
    That’s awesome
    To his family your in my prayers

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