
New Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker poster revealed at D23: Expo 2019

A new poster for the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was unveiled at D23 Expo 2019 during the morning movies panel.

In the poster, Emperor Palpatine casts a shadow over a fight between Rey and Kylo Ren. The two appear to be in an epic battle with lightsabers while atop a piece of debris. Rey is on the left holding her lightsaber and Kylo Ren is on the right with one hand on the ground and is lightsaber in his left hand.

Bolts of lightning illuminate the fight, blue lightning coming from Rey’s lightsaber and red from Kylo Ren.

The entire cast of the movie, due out in theaters on Dec. 20, 2019, took to the stage.

Kerri Russell discussed her character Zorri Bliss, who has a criminal past and is also “an old friend of Poe’s, (Dameron)” Russell said

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