How to say Mickey Mouse in 27 different languages
Mickey Mouse is arguably the most recognizable character around the world.
He is known to all ages and not only represents Disney, he is in many ways an unofficial ambassador for the U.S.
So when you head around the world, it might interest you to know what Mickey is called in a number of different languages around the world.
Here’s a look:
Arabic: Mickey
Bulgarian: Miki Maus
Chinese: Mi Lao Shu
Czech: Mickey Mouse
Danish: Mickey Mouse
Dutch: Mickey Mouse
Estonian: Mikki Hiir
Faroese: Mikkjal Mus
Finish: Mikki Hiiri
Flemish: Mickey Mouse
French: Mickey
German: Micky Maus
Greek: Mikki Maous
Hungarian: Miki Egér
Icelandic: Mikki Mús
Indonesian: Miki Tikus
Italian: Topolino
Japanese: Mikkīmausu
Norwegian: Mikke Mus
Polish: Myszka Mikey
Portuguese: Mickey Mouse
Russian: Mikki Maus
Serbo-Croatian: Miki Maus
Slovak: Mysiak Mickey
Spanish: Mickey Mouse
Spanish in Spain: El Ratón Mickey
Swedish: Musse Pigg
Turkish: Miki