Dopey was almost the Sorcerer’s Apprentice instead of Mickey Mouse
Another Disney character was considered for one of Mickey Mouse’s most famous roles, the Sorcerer’s Apprentice in “Fantasia.”
Work on developing Sorcerer’s Apprentice section of the film began in 1937. This was around the same time “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was about to become a blockbuster movie. So, when the question came on who should portray the apprentice – a silent part- the suggestion was that of Dopey.
According to D23, conductor Leopold Stokowski made this pitch: “What would you think of creating an entirely new personality for this film instead of using Mickey? A personality that could represent you and me. You may have strong reasons for wishing Mickey to be the hero…. [But] I feel that if you create a new personality which represents every one of us, it might be a valuable factor in the years to come, and enlarge the scope. This is merely a suggestion… discard immediately if it does not interest you.”
Walt disregarded it immediately. Mickey, after all, was the every mouse. Mickey was a star and was relatable to everyone. Sure, his costume might be reminiscent of Dopey’s loose-fitting clothing, but Mickey was always the right choice.