When Mickey Mouse became a victim of identity theft
There have been many knock-offs of Mickey Mouse. From bad toys dumped on shelves to the cigarette smoking imposters on 42nd Street in New York City offering to have their picture taken with you, for a price.
But Mickey’s actual identity being taken?
Back in 2014, police in Washington state broke up an identity theft operation and found among the hundreds of false documents Mickey’s driver’ license, according to KIROTV.com
The Washington State driver’s license (there is no indication Mickey has moved there) has a photo of Mickey Mouse with the name listed as Mick E. Mouse, though his signature is the traditional Mickey Mouse.
The address listed was 1313 South Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, California, the actual address of Disneyland. He was also listed with a height of 5-foot 2-inches and weight of 100 pounds. He was also listed as an organ donor.
Bellevue police did go out to contact all of the victims whose information was found. Thought it was never determined whether or not they actually contacted Mickey Mouse. Then again, who does have his number or e-mail address?