
Tiger cubs at Disney’s Animal Kingdom turn 1

The two Sumatran tiger cubs that became the darlings of the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Animal Kingdom in Disney World have celebrated their first birthday.

Anala and Jeda have grown into young cubs. Anala weighs 160 pounds and Jeda is 167. To give you an idea of how big they are, their father Malosi weighs 290 pounds.

The park celebrated their birthday with a birthday-themed enrichment treat – a “cake” made for them to gnaw and paw. “Enrichment is an important part of their care and is stimulating and fun for the animals,” Scott Terrell, Director of Animal & Science Operations, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts, wrote on the Disney Parks Blog. 

The cubs continue to hit all their development milestones and enjoy learning to be tigers – they practice hiding, creeping and pouncing on mom, Sohni, and each other, he wrote.

Fewer than 500 Sumatran tigers are left in the wild due to threats such as habitat loss, poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

Here’s a video Disney shared about the two.


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