Turn your Nightmare Before Christmas Tsum Tsums into a spooky Halloween wreath
Ever wonder what to do with that stack of Tsum Tsums you’ve been growing on the table? How about creating a holiday wreath?
Mr. Disney Diary gave me the complete set of Nightmare Before Christmas Tsum Tsums for my birthday this summer, and while they made a cute little stack on the table in the foyer, I thought I could do something else with them, so I set about to make them the centerpiece of a wreath.
Early in the Halloween crafting season, I found everything I needed:
- A purple and black tinsel wreath. This wreath from Michael’s has a plastic form that allowed me to just stick the Tsum Tsums into the form to secure them — no wires required.
- A string of pumpkin LED lights
- One roll of Halloween ribbon. I love this glittery tulle ribbon, but I wish I’d seen this black and white striped ribbon when I was buying supplies.
- A pack of Halloween jingle bells.
I think my Tsum Tsums would make more of an impact on a smaller wreath form, and it could use some more spooky bling, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
This wreath will stay in the front hall; there’s no way it’s going on the front door!