
The Unofficial Disney Villain Face-Off Round 3: Maleficient vs. Lady Tremaine

Is there any doubt who won this round of The Unofficial Disney Villain Face-Off.  Maleficent beat out Lady Tremaine 84 percent to 16 percent.

Maleficent will now face Shan Yu in the next level.

Name: Maleficent

Movie: “Sleeping Beauty” (1959)

Best known for: Turning into a dragon.

Quote: “You poor, simple fools. Thinking you can defeat me? Me, the mistress of all evil?”

Background: Upset after being snubbed by the parents of the Princess Aurora, she seeks revenge by cursing the child.

Why she’s the baddest of them all: She cursed a baby because she wasn’t invited to the christening. A christening, people!


Name: Lady Tremaine

Movie: “Cinderella” (1950)

Best known for: Mis treating her stepdaughter, including locking her in her room when she knows her own daughters won’t fit in the glass slipper.

Quote: “Do them again! And don’t forget the garden. Then scrub the terrace, sweep the halls and the stairs, clean the chimneys. And of course there’s the mending and the sewing and the laundry… Oh yes, and one more thing. See that Lucifer gets his bath.”

Background: She is a socialite who wants to see her family succeed.

Why she’s the baddest of them all: Her sinister glare. If you’ve ever experienced that look from your own mother, just remember, Lady Tremaine’s was 1,000 times worse.

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