New exhibit to open with Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along on Jan. 17
A new exhibit – “Tales as Old as Time: French Storytelling on Stage and Screen” – will debut along with the “Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along” on Jan. 17. in the France pavilion’s Palais du Cinémais.
The singalong, directed and produced by Don Hahn, producer of the animated and live-action “Beauty and the Beast” films, invites guests to participate in a twist on a tale as old as time. It features narration from Angela Lansbury, who played Mrs. Potts in the original film.
The new sing-along will run in rotation with “Impressions de France,” which will receive an upgrade to 4K projection.
In addition, the new exhibit inside Palais du Cinéma will invite guests to explore six gallery cases featuring a collection of costumes, music, artwork and more, all dedicated to the adaptation of French literature in cinema, theater, ballet and opera.
The exhibit reinforces how French literature has inspired artists from around the globe, including those who created timeless Disney classics such as “Sleeping Beauty,” “Cinderella,” and “Beauty and the Beast.”

Items on display from the Walt Disney Archives include a glass slipper from the live-action “Cinderella” film and Belle’s costume from the live-action “Beauty and the Beast.” Community arts organizations from Florida also contributed pieces to the exhibit.