Habit Heroes re-opens in Epcot at Disney World
The original Habit Heroes opened last February at Innoventions in Epcot with a slate of super heroes to help fight unhealthy eating habits.
That lasted less than a month. Disney closed the exhibit after National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance spurred a nationwide .
“It appears that Disney now believes that using the tool of shame, favored so much by today’s healthcare corporations, is the best way to communicate with children,” the NAAFA wrote last year. “Disney, in partnering with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, has taken the side of the bullies.”
Now re-tooled, the new exhibit opened on Friday, according to Orlando Sentinel. The only thing that remained the same, according to the article, is the name.
Below is an Orlando Sentinel report on the new attraction and below is an Orlando Attractions video of the original version.