
Disney debuts Merida to some mixed reviews of her accent

There are some rumblings that the actresses playing the latest Disney princess sound more Irish than Scottish, according to the Daily Record.

There are two videos on YouTube of women playing the red-headed Highlands princess, Merida, star of the upcoming Pixar/Disney movie “Brave.” Now can these women capture the the accent of Scots star Kelly Macdonald, who voices Merida? Well, you can decide.

Some people on YouTube don’t think so:

“People say she sounds Irish. Does she hell! She doesn’t sound Scottish either. As a Dubliner living in Gladgow, she has the Sean Connery ‘Oirish’ accent. I am scarlet for her for being thrown in without any coaching. Come on Disney with all your money get some decent voice coaching for your real life characters.”

“Oh dear the accent is all over the place there’s a mix of Irish and even welsh in there to those who have not heard a Scottish accent before this is not it and be more than happy to take over the role so an Scottish person plays Merida”

“Holy bejesus…that’s the worst fake Irish accent I’ve ever heard. Someone had better tell her she’s supposed to be doing a Scottish one though.”

Remember this is the first round of casting for the character, and Disney has a way of refining things. Either way, I don’t think the kids will mind.


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One Comment

  1. I'm African American, and even I was slightly offended that Disney doesn't know the difference between (fake) Irish,& (fake) Scottish accents. I thought I was the only one that even noticed. I am a real stickler for detail,& I can't believe no one cared enough to notice

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