
Smile of The Day: Lion on the savanna at Animal Kingdom

Catching a glimpse of the lions on the Kilimanjaro Safari ride at the Animal Kingdom in Disney World can be hit or miss. Lions spend a lot of time, well, “lion around” (you saw that one coming didn’t you.) Many times as the trucks pass by you can usually catch a glimpse of the male or female lion under a tree or in shade. There are times, you do get lucky and can catch them walking around, usually in the early morning before it gets hot.

Lion on Safari
                                                                                                                                                © Steven Liebman

Genus and Species: Panthera leo

Where to find at Animal Kingdom: Kilimanjaro Safaris in the East Savanna section.

Where they live:  Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia.

Height and weight: Males way between 350 and 400 pounds and are about 9 feet in length and 3 feet in height. Females weigh between 250 and 300 pounds , are 8 feet in length and about 30 inches in height.

Lion King
                                                                    © Steven Liebman

Life span: 12 to 14 years in the  wild

What they eat: They are meat eaters, in the wild its usually wildebeest, impalas, buffalo, warthogs and zebras.

The hunter: It is the lioness is the hunter while the male lion usually stays at home and watches the cubs.

Where the lion name comes from: The word come from the Latin – Leo – and the Greek – Leon.

What the lion is called in Swahili: Simba

Population: There is an estimated 29,000 to 47,000 in Africa and they are listed as a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List
by the World Conservation Union.

Famous lions in Disney movies: The most famous are of course from the movie “The Lion King.” Here you have the patriarch Mufasa (Ooooo…say it again); Sarabi, the matriarch; Simba, the cub king; Nala, who becomes Simba’s mate and his voice of reason; and of course Scar, the big bad in “The Lion King” who was formerly known as Prince Taka, and Mufasa’s younger brother.

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